Image of the digestive system
Illustration of the Digestive System by Da Vinci; DIO - A tunnel for life!



Saniprazole mkII and Saniprazole confirmed on monitoring for reemission for EoE on study completion already turned in to FDA; Emesis confirming 3 months Reemission study profile October 28th 2024- January 2nd 2025.


Research And Developments

Research and development broke ground in June 2022, with the ideation, formulation and testing to determine the efficacy and effectiveness in treatment to a particularly detrimental health condition in and encompassing Ulcer, GERD and EOE.

Preminilary Studies

Preminilary studies began on the 29th of June 2022, checking on the effects and efficasy of Saniprazole to see if there are any alleviative effects on conditions registered to the detrimental health condition in and encompassing Ulcer, GERD and EOE.

Trial Studies and Surrorogate Studies

Trial studies began on the 6th of August 2022 and currently undergoing surrorogate studies [November, 2023], after ascertaining the effects and efficasy of Saniprazole, based on a consistent data of regression in condition and progression to wellness in confirmation of efficiency to the detrimental health condition in and encompassing Ulcer, GERD and EOE.

Manufacturing Partnership

DIO Industries Corp in efficiency, efficacy and toxicity data correlation showing health advantages of Saniprazole to conditions such as Ulcer, EOE and GERD, a partnership was sort out, developed and signed with Ridho Botanicals for the manufacturing and production of Saniprazole in March, 2023 for production and Manufacturing Start Date confirmed for the 3rd of April 2023, in conjunction with Kimia Farma to treat the detrimental health condition in and encompassing Ulcer, GERD and EOE.

OnGoing Developments

DIO Industries Corp is currently undergoing surrorogate studies and gearing for market entrance, in seeking a vendor, to treat the detrimental health condition in and encompassing Ulcer, GERD and EOE. In confirmation of effectiveness with BfArm [The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (in German: Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte – BfArM) is the medical regulatory body in Germany.], FDA and publications to effect of Treatment.

OnGoing Saniprazole Developments Study

DIO Industries Corp is currently undergoing a 7 - Day Remission surrorogate study, i.e a continous evaluation of Saniprazole in cessation usage to determine remission probability subjected to a time frame. This study commmenced on the 25th of January 2024. Conclusive result to the 7-Day study ending on Day 143, Wednesday January 31st, 2024 of the Surrogate study exhibited a zero[0 - 1] scale rating for normalcy suggesting a zero percent [0%] remission investigation and a reaction of inducive coughs with a rating of three [3] of a scaled [(0-1) of 5] with two [2] occurrences in the 7-day concurrent trial, suggesting a [28.6%] reactionary exhibition off Saniprazole on the 7-day study. Primary endpoint interpretation shows zero remissions to symptoms associated to Gastrointestinal conditions like EoE and Gerd and secondary endpoint of reactions in coughs at [28.6%].

Current Developments

DIO Industries Corp is currently undergoing Review with Saniprazole for approval with FDA for IND and NDA to a PHASE III; submission was made on the 15th of August 2024 for a FAST TRACK APPROVAL with all pertinent information sent in, from initial study of a monographic identification in process development in trial study to a comprehensive itemization to property phase in Phenotipic and Reactionary registration to Toxicity, Efficasy and Effieciency identity, with a Surrogate study geared to performance efficiency in alleviating Gastrointestinal Ailment to Particular EoE and Gerd!

Business Developments

DIO Industries Corp is currently still in discussions with multiple pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies for Licensing and Sales of Saniprazole geared to an Agreement!

Business and Current Developments

DIO Industries Corp submitted applications for drug candidates Saniprazole and Saniprazole mkII for a fast track approval on the 16th of August 2024, with all pertinent information provided to. In submittal for IND and NDA approval submissions was a concurrent study on Anagelsic effects on a patient on a Gastrointestinal medication grant request which was also turned in on the 24th of September 2024. With Study/Trial conclusions to Saniprazole, Saniprazole mkII and Analgesic study of a Gastreointestinal medication also submitted officially on the 31st of October 2024. In business related association to DIOIC, an official bid was turned in for Kimia Farma, Indonesia and BioAmerica for Acquisitions.



Epidimiology and Epigenetics of Eoe, Gerd and Ulcer and the role of Saniprazole.


Saniprazole Publication

Gastreointestinal Publication on EoE and Gerd with Saniprazole and Saniprazole mkII

Medical Study

Medical Trials

Safety And Effects

Toxicity data value study

Utilization to Saniprazole has shown a consistent attributted effects to a return to normalcy i.e; individuals without gastrointestinal ailments in Ulcers, GERD and EOE; based on data collated on the conditions, efficasy, efficiency and toxicity, with a degree of effects to show that relativity to harm in utilization is minimal to none on a used case basis, on both it's safety and effect thereof with attribution to a value 99 (ninety-nine), accounting for the marginal increase in belching and continuous to the Medical Study phase 4 monitoring.

Surrogate Study Data on predominant condition in Eoe and Severe Gerd in relation to Emesis.

Recent data for Saniprazole

Data shows a graphical representation os Saniprazole use in a surrogate study of 174 days starting on the 12th of September 2023 to March 4th 2024. attribution to emesis during the period is 3 occurences of 3 plus or minus meals a day with variable dosage utilization attributing to 0.356 for less than 3 or more meals a day and 1.068 of a day representation regardless of meals. In representation, that is 1 for normal and 5 for severity, is 1/1.068 * (100) resulting in a 94% effectiveness of Saniprazole.

86 days and [>] 100 days registraion of non-utilization Saniprazole confirmed remission with emesis due to Eoe; Accompanied with Nightly Coughs.

Data shows a graphical representation of saniprazole re-emitance of EoE symptoms after cessation of Saniprazole to a period of greater [>] 100 days of non-utilization; During this period, food comprised of trigger effects, i.e., food that triggers EoE registration and a regular diet involve with an individual not experiencing EoE or Gerd symptoms. The data also shows a differential trial and non-trial days i.e., surrogate days at 0.797 - 0.7771 to 0.021 / 0.771 [average surrogate and trial days] to be 0.027. The probability, with treatment on Saniprazole and cessation is therefore, 0.027 / 0.001 at 27% of re-emission of symptoms after [90 days ] of 3.24 months in a year



DIO Industries Corp is currently in holding of manufactured Saniprazole of Thirty Million [30, 000000] produced Tablets .






Sales Link Saniprazole and Saniprazole mkII

Saniprazole [for GERD and Ulcers Prescription 6 Tablets {Available}]


Saniprazole mkII [for EoE Prescription 6 Tablets {Not Currently Available}]