Introduction to Gastreointestinal ailments Particularly EoE, Gerd and Ulcers!
Introduction to Gastreointestinal Background!
Introduction Population Genetics!
Population Genetics Calculations!
Population Genetics Permutation!
Population Genetics Permutation Continued!
Population Genetics Permutation Continued!
Regulation and Treatment Genotypic and Phenotypic Expression!
Regulation and Treatment Genotypic and Phenotypic Expression Continued!
Regulation and Treatment Genotypic and Phenotypic Expression Continued!
Introduction to Saniprazole and Saniprazole mkII!
Graphical Representation fig 1!
Graphical Representation fig 2 and fig 3!
Graphical Representation fig 4 and fig 5!
Graphical Representation fig 6!
Graphical Representation fig 7!
Graphical Representation fig 8!
Graphical Representation fig 9!
Results and Conclusions!