Introduction to Gastreointestinal ailments Particularly EoE, Gerd and Ulcers!
Effects of Saniprazole prior to Treatment and Post Treatment!
General symptoms witnessed and associated, Particularly to EoE and Gerd!
Conditions and Association to Gerd and EoE!
Abridged datasets attributes from non-phase 2 surrogate study on Saniprazole on 8 days collation!
Abridged Datasets continued!...
Abridged Datasets Continued!....
Sum data Graph of Saniprazole Utilization surrogate non-phase 2 study and graph 2
showing a zero utilization with belching a mainstay or constant with digestion!!
Conclusion showing a drastic reduction with Saniprazole utilization on EoE and Gerd realized
with weather attribution!
Population Genetics actualization with regards to EoE with scientific publication!
Epigenetics of EoE and Gerd continuation with Data Calculations!
Epigenetics of EoE and Gerd continuation with Data Calculations continuation!