Current Developments with DIOIC Biotechnology with AcibademCurrent developments confirms functionality and workability of IP properties in Vitality as a model organism for physiological and biochemical tests and Munonera for detection of Cancer and other biological malignments, confirming proof of Ideation and Intellectual property to a working function.
Current Developments with DIOIC BiologicsProvided updates to DIOIC Biologics with BfArm, the drug regulatory body of Germany for Saniprazole, Saniprazole mkII and Emepi towards regulatory approvals and review in furnishing updates to study datas and trial documentations.
Current Developments: Node (Edon) Sporting ApparelCurrently In discussions and negotiations with my Partner and Wife, Jillian Rose Banks Iyonsi for production and manufacturing of Sporting Apparel Node(Edon)and DIO Industries Corporation for sporting-wares attires with hoodies, t-shirts and moving on on designs for utility wares.
Current Developments: Banking and FinancingMade contact with Deutsche Bank for credit-line access, assistance with brokerage of IP properties wanting offloading, as well as financing loans for operational activities with DIOIC.
Current DevelopmentsMade contact with Drug and health product review and approval for Emepi, Saniprazole and Saniprazole mkII for Extraordinary Use New Drug Submission (EUNDS), New Drug Submission
(NDS) and an application for a Drug Identification Number for a pharmaceutical product, including non-prescription products attesting to a Labelling Standard (DINA) for division 1 drugs.
DIOIC Biologics Business Developments - Acquisition
DIO Industries Corporporation is currently in negotiation in provision of an offer for Acquisition of FogHorn Therapeutics Inc [FHTX] and have made contact in regards towards a full acquisition of FogHorn Therapeutics INC . 20th of December 2024.
Purchase Requests with EMEPI - CMP001 Current DevelopmentsIn request from the Veterans Affairs [VA] to purchase 3,900,156 Emepi pill tablets and 757,714.29 Emepi Syringe Fluid of 0.2 - 0.3ml Emepi fluid containers.
Current DevelopmentsCurrently have Three medications in review with the FDA, agreements to supply currently in progress with requests, and research and developments ongoing in other facets of DIOIC
Research And Developments - 5-Day "Tree-Bark Study" passedConclusion to the 5 day 'tree-bark' study passed for treatment of moderate to severe pain with Emepi - CMP001.
DIOIC Biologics Business Developments - Acquisition
DIO Industries Corporporation is currently in a preminilary Interest in Acquisition of BioAmerica Incorporated and have made contact in regards, towards a full acquisition of BioAmerica Incorporated. 12th of September 2024.
DIOIC Biologics Business Developments - Acquisition
DIO Industries Corporporation is currently in discussion with the Indonesian Government in a partial Acquisition of Kimia Farma and have made contact in regards, towards a partial controlling acquisition of Kimia Farma. 17th of September 2024.
DIOIC Biologics Business Developments - Acquisition and Developments November 2024
Business and Current Developments
DIO Industries Corp submitted applications for drug candidates Saniprazole and Saniprazole mkII for a fast track approval on the 16th of August 2024, with all pertinent information provided to. In submittal for IND and NDA approval submissions was a concurrent study on Anagelsic effects on a patient on a Gastrointestinal medication grant request which was also turned in on the 24th of September 2024. With Study/Trial conclusions to Saniprazole, Saniprazole mkII and Analgesic study of a Gastreointestinal medication also submitted officially on the 31st of October 2024. In business related association to DIOIC, an official bid was turned in for Kimia Farma, Indonesia and BioAmerica for Acquisitions.
DIOIC Biologics Publication